Do you catch and eat fish from the Connecticut River?
Some fish in the Connecticut River have been identified as unsafe for human consumption by state agencies in the watershed due to unsafe levels of mercury and PCBs in fish tissue. Although you may not become ill right away from consuming fish with posted advisories, accumulation of the toxins in these fish over a period of time can cause chronic illnesses. The effect of these pollutants increase with the amount you eat, and based on your body weight and size. High risk populations for harmful health effects are children under 12, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, women of child-bearing age, or breast-feeding women. To learn more about potential health risks and fish consumption advisories, view the following information:
Fish Consumption Advisories for the Connecticut River
Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game Fishing Information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Connecticut River Office - Fish Counts
The Connecticut River Fish Tissue Study, EPA, 2000
Connecticut River Water Quality Data
Fish Ladders on the Connecticut River