Bennet St-Ware R

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Bennet St

Palmer , MA
Longitude/Latitude: -72.31478333 / 42.20835000

Bennet St is a potential river access for a future Ware River Blue Trail. Site is an old bridge crossing owner by the town.

Site is above Throndike village and dam, so possible to paddle eith up or down stream. Access is rustic, informal, not improved.

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¿Como llego hasta ahí?

Bennet St site is off river st in Palmer, near Forest Lake.

Este sitio es monitoreado por:

Chicopee 4Rivers Watershed Council

C4R is sampling for bacteria to inform recreational safety to use river. Sampling is bi-weekly, June-September.

Este sitio es patrocinado por:

Gibbes Crossing USGS flow gage in Ware, MA