We are a tenacious alliance of concerned individuals who have a passion for keeping southeastern Vermont’s waters healthy. SeVWA consists of a volunteer Board of Directors and a team of active volunteers and contractors who carry out our mission.
We are citizen scientists. Our flagship project is water quality monitoring for a long-term database that the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) uses to pin-point impaired waters in the state. Where impaired waters in our region are located, SeVWA works with the DEC and the local town to restore the waterway to health. In this way our day to day work feeds into our overall mission and the goals of partner organizations.
We are partners with Watershed United Vermont, the Connecticut River Conservancy, and several of our town Conservation Commissions.
In doing our day to day water quality work and publishing the E-coli results bi-weekly during peak recreational times for the public, we are dispensers of information. Our work shares a picture of the health of popular recreational swimming and boating sites.
Our reaches are from the Williams River at our northern most sampling site to the Whetstone Brook in Brattleboro. We are seeking other concerned citizens in these watersheds to volunteer and help us grow and expand our role. Consider volunteering or contributing to support SeVWA’s efforts in beautiful southeastern Vermont. We are the Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance.