Mill River, Northampton at Rope Swing off Smith College Path

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Off Ward Ave

Northampton , MA
Longitude/Latitude: -72.650227 / 42.317161

Mill River in Northampton.  There is a rope swing that is commonly used as a swimming hole and dog swimming area.  Located along the path that goes between Smith College and Federal Street.  Area can also be accessed from the "dog park" on the former state hospital grounds on other side of the river.

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How Do I Get There?

Park at intersection of Ward, James, and Washington Avenues.  Walk downhill about 50 yards on the path down to Mill River trail along the north bank of the Mill River.  Turn right (upstream) and walk about 100 yards to the site.  A large fallen tree along the edge of the bank marks the downstream end of the site.  There is a beach-like bend just above, with the rope swing directly across the river on the former state hospital grounds.  You can also get there by parking at Federal Street and walking downstream along the path.

This Site Is Monitored By:

Connecticut River Conservancy

The Mill River in Northampton is sampled Thursdays between June and October by volunteers coordinated by the Connecticut River Conservancy.

This Site Is Sponsored By:

Bacteria levels can increase due to rainfall and runoff, which can be reflected in river flow levels. This graph shows river flow levels for the past 21 days at the nearest U.S. Geological Survey stream gage. The gage is located on the Mill River in Northampton near the Clement Street bridge, approximately 1.4 miles upstream of this monitoring site.